Foster & Berean Shadow of a Doubt
27 Nov 2015 - 29 Jan 2016

Foster & Berean, Shadow of a doubt series II, 2015, Powder coated aluminium,98 x 60 inches / 250 x 150cm, EYFB002,
Photograph by Tom Carter

Foster & Berean, Shadow of a Doubt series VI, 2015, Powder coated aluminium, 98 x 60 inches / 250 x 150cm, EYFB004,
Photograph by Tom Carter
For their exhibition, Shadow of a Doubt, at Evelyn Yard Foster & Berean will present a new series of wall-based sculptures.
Living separately in London and New York much of Foster & Berean’s collaborative practice relies upon a virtual communication that takes place within the pseudo realistic spaces of architectural 3D modeling software.
The brand new series sees the artists focusing upon what is lost and what is generated through this working methodology.